Building Robust AEM Integrations

In the current digital environment, the integration of third-party applications with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is pivotal for building resilient digital experiences. This blog serves as a guide, highlighting crucial elements to bear in mind when undertaking AEM integrations It is accompanied by practical examples from real-world AEM implementations, offering valuable insights. Without further ado, let’s dive in:

Generic API Framework for integrations

When it comes to integrating AEM with various APIs, having a structured approach can significantly enhance efficiency, consistency, and reliability. One powerful strategy for achieving these goals is to create a generic API framework. This framework serves as the backbone of your AEM integrations, offering a host of benefits, including reusability, consistency, streamlined maintenance, and scalability.

Why Create a Generic API Framework for AEM Integrations?

  • Reusability: A core advantage of a generic API framework is its reusability. Rather than starting from scratch with each new integration, you can leverage the framework as a proven template. This approach saves development time and effort, promoting efficiency.
  • Consistency: A standardized framework ensures that all your AEM integrations adhere to the same conventions and best practices. This consistency simplifies development, troubleshooting, and maintenance, making your AEM applications more robust and easier to manage.
  • Maintenance and Updates: With a generic API framework in place, updates and improvements can be applied to the framework itself. This benefits all integrated services simultaneously, reducing the need to address issues individually across multiple integrations. This leads to more efficient maintenance and enhanced performance.
  • Scalability: As your AEM application expands and demands more integrations, the generic framework can easily accommodate new services and endpoints. You won’t need to start from scratch or adapt to different integration methodologies each time you add a new component. The framework can seamlessly scale to meet your growing integration needs.

Key Components of an integration Framework:

1. Best Practices:

The framework should encompass industry best practices, ensuring that integrations are built to a high standard from the start. These best practices might include data validation, error handling, and performance optimization techniques.

2. Retry Mechanisms:

Introduce a mechanism for retries within the framework. It’s not uncommon for API calls to experience temporary failures due to network disruptions or service unavailability. The incorporation of automatic retry mechanisms can significantly bolster the reliability of your integrations. This can be accomplished by leveraging tools such as Sling Jobs.

For instance, consider an AEM project that integrates with a payment gateway. To address temporary network issues during payment transaction processing, you can implement a retry logic. If a payment encounters a failure, the system can automatically attempt the transaction multiple times before notifying the user of an error.

For guidance on implementing Sling Jobs with built-in retry mechanisms, please refer to the resource Enhancing Efficiency and Reliability by Sling jobs

3. Circuit Breaker Pattern:

The Circuit Breaker pattern is a design principle employed for managing network and service failures within distributed systems. In AEM, you can apply the Circuit Breaker pattern to enhance the robustness and stability of your applications when interfacing with external services.

It caters to several specific needs:

  • Trigger a circuit interruption if the failure rate exceeds 10% within a minute.
  • After the circuit breaks, the system should periodically verify the recovery of the external service API through a background process.
  • Ensure that users are shielded from experiencing sluggish response times.
  • Provide a user-friendly message in the event of any service disruptions.

Visit Latency and fault tolerance in Adobe AEM using HystriX for details

4. Security Measures:

Incorporate authentication and authorization features into your framework to ensure the security of your data. This may involve integration with identity providers, implementing API keys, setting up OAuth authentication, and utilizing the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.

For instance, when securing content fetched via GraphQL queries, consider token-based authentication. For further details, please refer to the resource titled  Securing content for GraphQL queries via Closed user groups (CUG)

5. Logging

Ensuring robust logging and effective error-handling mechanisms are fundamental for the purposes of debugging and monitoring. Implementing comprehensive logging is crucial for recording significant events and errors, making troubleshooting and maintenance more streamlined. To achieve this:

  1. Comprehensive Monitoring and Logging: Implement thorough monitoring and logging for your integration to detect issues, track performance, and simplify debugging. It is advisable to categorize logging into three logical sets.
    •   AEM Logging: This pertains to logging at the AEM application level.
    • Apache HTTPD Web Server/Dispatcher Logging: This encompasses logging related to the web server and Dispatcher on the Publish tier.
    • CDN Logging: This feature, although gradually introduced, handles logging at the CDN level.
  2. Selective Logging: Log only essential information in a format that is easy to comprehend. Properly employ log levels to prevent overloading the system with errors and warnings in a production environment. When detailed logs are necessary, ensure the ability to enable lower log levels like ‘debug’ and subsequently disable them.

Utilize AEM’s built-in logging capabilities to log API requests, responses, and errors. Consider incorporating Splunk, a versatile platform for log and data analysis, to centralize log management, enable real-time monitoring, conduct advanced search and analysis, visualize data, and correlate events. Splunk’s scalability, integration capabilities, customization options, and active user community make it an invaluable tool for streamlining log management, gaining insights, and enhancing security, particularly in the context of operations and compliance.

6. Payload Flexibility:

Payload flexibility in the context of building a framework for integrations refers to the framework’s capacity to effectively manage varying types and structures of data payloads. A data payload comprises the factual information or content transmitted between systems, and it may exhibit notable differences in format and arrangement.

These distinctions in structure can be illustrated with two JSON examples sourced from the same data source but intended for different end systems:

Example 1: JSON Payload for System A

  "orderID": "12345",
  "customerName": "John Doe",
  "totalAmount": 100.00,
  "shippingAddress": "123 Main Street"

Example 2: JSON Payload for System B

  "transactionID": "54321",
  "product": "Widget",
  "quantity": 5,
  "unitPrice": 20.00,
  "customerID": "Cust123"

Both examples originate from the same data source but require distinct sets of information for different target systems. Payload flexibility allows the framework to adapt seamlessly, enabling efficient integration with various endpoints that necessitate dissimilar data structures.

7. Data Validation and Transformation:

When integrating with a third-party app in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), it’s crucial to ensure that data validation and transformation are performed correctly. This process helps maintain data integrity and prevents errors when sending or receiving data. Let’s consider an example where we are integrating with an e-commerce platform. We’ll validate and transform product data to ensure it aligns with the expected format and data types of the platform’s API, thus mitigating data-related issues.

private String transformProductData(String rawData) {
    try {
        // Parse the raw JSON data
        JSONObject productData = new JSONObject(rawData);

        // Validate and transform the data
        if (isValidProductData(productData)) {
            // Extract and transform the necessary fields
            String productName = productData.getString("name");
            double productPrice = productData.getDouble("price");
            String productDescription = productData.getString("description");

            // Complex data validation and transformation
            productDescription = sanitizeDescription(productDescription);

            // Create a new JSON object with the transformed data
            JSONObject transformedData = new JSONObject();
            transformedData.put("productName", productName);
            transformedData.put("productPrice", productPrice);
            transformedData.put("productDescription", productDescription);

            // Return the transformed data as a JSON string
            return transformedData.toString();
        } else {
            // If the data is not valid, consider it an error
            return null;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // Handle any JSON parsing errors here
        return null; // Return null to indicate a transformation error

private boolean isValidProductData(JSONObject productData) {
    // Perform more complex validation here
    return productData.has("name") &&
           productData.has("price") &&
           productData.has("description") &&
           productData.has("images") &&
           productData.getJSONArray("images").length() > 0;

private String sanitizeDescription(String description) {
    // Implement data sanitization logic here, e.g., remove HTML tags
    return description.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", "");

  • We’ve outlined the importance of data validation and transformation when dealing with a third-party e-commerce platform in AEM.
  • The code demonstrates how to parse, validate, and transform the product data from the platform.
  • It includes more complex validation, such as checking for required fields
  • Additionally, it features data transformation methods like sanitizing product descriptions and selecting the main product image.

8. Client Call Improvements:

In the context of availability and performance concerns, a common challenge lies in the customer code’s interaction with third-party systems via HTTP connectivity. This challenge takes on paramount importance when these interactions are carried out synchronously within an AEM request. The direct consequence of any backend call’s latency is the immediate impact on AEM’s response time, with the potential to lead to service outages (for AEMaaCS) if these blocking outgoing requests consume the entire thread pool dedicated to handling incoming requests.

  • Reuse the HttpClient: Create a single HttpClient instance, closing it properly, to prevent connection issues and reduce latency.
  • Set Short Timeouts: Implement aggressive connection and read timeouts to optimize performance and prevent Jetty thread pool exhaustion.
  • Implement a Degraded Mode: Prepare your AEM application to gracefully handle slow or unresponsive backends, preventing application downtime and ensuring a smooth user experience.

 For details on improving the HTTP Client requests. Refer to: 3 rules how to use an HttpClient in AEM

9. Asynchronous Processing:

In the context of AEM projects, synchronous interactions with third-party services can lead to performance bottlenecks and delays for users. By implementing asynchronous processing, tasks like retrieving product information occur in the background without affecting the AEM server’s responsiveness. Users experience quicker responses while the heavy lifting takes place behind the scenes, ensuring a seamless user experience. Sling Jobs provide a reliable mechanism for executing tasks, even in the face of backend hiccups, preventing service outages. For details on how to implement Sling Jobs, refer to resource Enhancing Efficiency and Reliability by Sling jobs

10. Avoid Long-Running Sessions in AEM Repository

During integrations such as Translation imports, encountering Caused by: javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException: OakState0001 is a common issue in the AEM repository. This problem arises due to long-running sessions and their interference with concurrent changes happening within the repository (like translation imports). When a session’s save() operation fails, temporary heap memory, where pending changes are stored, remains polluted, leading to subsequent failures. To mitigate this problem, two strategies can be employed:

1. Avoiding long-running sessions by using shorter-lived sessions, which is the preferable and easier approach in most cases. It also eliminates issues related to shared sessions.

2. Adding code to call session.refresh(true) before making changes. This action refreshes the session state to the HEAD state, reducing the likelihood of exceptions. If a RepositoryException occurs, explicitly clean the transient space using session.refresh(false), resulting in the loss of changes but ensuring the success of subsequent operations. This approach is suitable when creating new sessions is not feasible.”

11. Error Handling and Notifications:

Implement error-handling mechanisms, including sending notifications to relevant stakeholders when critical errors occur. Example: If integration with a payment gateway fails, notify the finance team immediately to address payment processing issues promptly.

12. Plan for Scalability

Scaling your AEM deployment and conducting performance tests are vital steps to ensure your application can handle increased loads and provide a seamless user experience. Here’s a structured plan:

  1. Define Expectations:
    • Identify the expected user base growth and usage patterns.
    • Set clear performance objectives, such as response times, throughput, and resource utilization.
    • Determine the scalability needs and expected traffic spikes.
  2. Assess Current Architecture:
    • Examine your current AEM architecture, including hardware, software, and configurations. Estimate resource requirements (CPU, memory, storage) based on expected loads and traffic.
    • Identify potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
  3. Capacity planning: Consider vertical scaling (upgrading hardware) and horizontal scaling (adding more instances) options.
  4. Performance Testing:
    • Create test scenarios that simulate real-world user interactions.
    • Use load testing tools to assess how the system performs under different loads.
    • Test for scalability by gradually increasing the number of concurrent users or transactions.
    • Monitor performance metrics (response times, error rates, resource utilization) during tests.
  5. Optimization:
    • Fine-tune configurations, caches, and application code.
    • Re-run tests to validate improvements.
  6. Monitoring and Alerts:
    • Implement real-time monitoring tools and define key performance indicators (KPIs).
    • Set up alerts for abnormal behavior or performance degradation.

Adobe New Relic One Monitoring Suite:

Adobe places great emphasis on monitoring, availability, and performance. AEM as a Cloud Service includes access to a custom New Relic One monitoring suite as a standard offering. This suite provides extensive visibility into your AEM as a Cloud Service system and environment performance metrics. Leverage this resource to proactively monitor, analyze, and optimize the performance of your AEM applications in the cloud.

13: Disaster Recovery:

Develop a disaster recovery plan to ensure high availability and data integrity in case of failures.

14. Testing Strategies:

Testing strategies play a critical role in ensuring the robustness and reliability of your applications. Here’s an explanation of various testing strategies specific to AEM:

  1. Integration Tests focus on examining the interactions between your AEM instance and external systems, such as databases, APIs, or third-party services. The goal is to validate that data is flowing correctly between these systems and that responses are handled as expected.
    • Example:You might use integration tests to verify that AEM can successfully connect to an external e-commerce platform, retrieve product information, and display it on your website.
    • Resource: For more information on conducting integration tests in AEM, you can refer to this resource
  2. Unit Tests are focused on testing individual components or functions within your AEM integration. These tests verify the correctness of specific code units, ensuring that they behave as intended.
    • Example: You could use unit tests to validate the functionality of custom AEM services or servlets developed for your integration.
  3. Performance Testing evaluates the ability of your AEM application to handle various loads and traffic levels. It helps in identifying potential performance bottlenecks, ensuring that the application remains responsive and performs well under expected and unexpected loads.
  4. Penetration testing assesses the security of your AEM system by simulating potential attacks from malicious actors. This testing identifies vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the AEM deployment that could be exploited by hackers.

15. Testing and Staging Environments:

Create separate development and staging environments to thoroughly test and validate your integration before deploying it to production. Example: Before integrating AEM with a new e-commerce platform, set up a staging environment to simulate real-world scenarios and uncover any issues or conflicts with your current setup.

16. Versioning and Documentation:

Maintain documentation of the third-party API integration, including version numbers and update procedures, to accommodate changes or updates

One thought on “Building Robust AEM Integrations

  1. AEM integration is a transformative synergy that elevates digital experiences to unprecedented heights. Seamlessly blending Adobe Experience Manager’s robust content management capabilities with diverse systems, AEM integration empowers businesses to orchestrate dynamic, personalized interactions across channels. According to industry reports, organizations leveraging AEM integration witness a significant reduction in time-to-market for digital initiatives, with an average improvement of 40%. This efficiency boost is attributed to AEM’s ability to seamlessly integrate with various third-party systems, databases, and marketing technologies. Additionally, studies show that businesses embracing AEM integration experience a notable increase in customer engagement metrics, such as a 30% rise in user interaction and a 25% improvement in conversion rates. By fostering a cohesive digital ecosystem, AEM integration catalyzes innovation, ensuring that content remains not only king but also highly relevant and engaging. The result is a user-centric, omnichannel experience that propels brands beyond conventional boundaries. In an era where connectivity is paramount, AEM integration stands as a testament to the artistry of harmonizing technology for a superior, cohesive digital narrative.


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